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Parts & Accessories
Bicycle Helmets and Other Safety Items.
Featuring helmets by Kali and Specialized.
(Not all helmets are shown in the catalog. Visit the store to see all.)
- Made in the USA
- Enables Take a Look Original Eyeglass Mirror to fit helmets
- Does not work with Take a Look Compact Eyeglass Mirror
This is a replacement for the ANGi-ready fit system cover found on Ambush helmets.
This is a replacement for the ANGi-ready Mindset Hairport II system found on S-Works Evade helmets.
- Replacement ANGi-ready fit system.
This is a replacement for the ANGi-ready Hairport FSL II fit system found on Propero III helmets.
This is a replacement for the ANGi-ready Hairport FSL II system found on Tactic III helmets.
This is a replacement of the ANGi-ready Hairport FSL II fit system found on Echelon II helmets.
- Replacement ANGi-ready fit system.
Replacement or spare visor to fit your Speedframe Pro Helmet.
Replacement or spare visor to fit your Proframe RS Helmet.
Replacement or spare visor to fit your Rampage Pro Carbon Helmet.
*Image for display purposes only*
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